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Peanut energy bars

Posted By Marija Cossi| Comments

 A great cold, a bit crunchy dessert or snack bar rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber and carbs. Easy & quick preparation is what we need in the summertim











  • 150 g raw cleaned peanuts
  • 185 g fine rolled oats
  • 225 g smooth peanut butter
  • 120 g honey
  • a bit of water if needed

Roast the peanuts on an oil-free pan.
Leave them aside to cool for a few minutes and then chop them roughly or use a blender to ease the process.
Grind the rolled oat as well, almost to flour and then roast them on an oil-free pan for a minute or two.
Pour the peanut butter and honey over the oats with a tbsp or two of water, stirring constantly and trying to combine all the ingredients together.
Stir in the peanuts as well.
After you've combined the ingredients and you got a compact mixture, turn off the heat and tranfser it to a small tray lined with parchement paper.
Use your wet hands to straighten the top and sides.
All the process will take you 10 minutes tops.
Leave the lined mixture on room temperature for 5-10 minutes and then transfer it all in the freezer to harden.
When ready, take it out slice it and serve it! 

Store the bars in the freezer or fridge, especially if you're going to serve them soon!